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Friday, October 25
7:00pm Singing
8:30pm Fellowship and Refreshments

Saturday, October 26
9am-12:30pm Presentations
Incarnation of Christ: Why Did God Become Man? 
     Mike Minson
Ministry of Christ: Why Did He Live the Way He Did?
     James Luedecke 
Death of Christ: Why was it Necessary?
     Chase Palmer
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch Provided
Resurrection of Christ: Why is it Critical Today?
     Michael McCorkle
Judgement of Christ: Why Must we be Ready?
     Shawn Zybach
5pm-9pm Fellowship and Volleyball


In order to comply with facility occupancy requirements, registration is limited to 400. Registration is required to insure we are in friendly cooperation with the facility and sufficient meals are ordered.

For more information, contact one of the following organizers.​

  • Jay Loyd (479) 883-7555

  • Jordan Danser (405) 892-9092

  • Brian Hutton (479) 217-5680

Freedom Farms

300 Akkineni Cir, Barling, AR 72923

Freedom Farms Logo.png


No group lodging rates have been obtained. However, the following hotels are recommended for ease of access to the event venue, dining, and other activities. Click below for more information!

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